October 8-9, 2024
Arles, France

Soils constitute a complex and still often overlooked ecosystem. In total interdependence with water, biodiversity, and climate, our agriculture, as well as our economy and health, depend on their condition.

Yet, more than 40% of soils on the planet are currently degraded. It is therefore urgent to act to protect and regenerate them.

“An agricultural revolution is necessary if we are to meet the climate and ecological challenges we face. Regenerative agriculture and the science of living soils are some of the most powerful tools available to us to build a sustainable world.”

Santiago Lefebvre, Founder and CEO of ChangeNOW.

Moët Hennessy and ChangeNOW have been committed for many years to the preservation of living soils and are delighted to co-organise the second edition of the World Living Soils Forum, a gathering dedicated to the preservation, health, and regeneration of soils.

The second edition of the World Living Soils Forum will took place
on October 8-9, 2024 in 3 locations: France, USA, China.



gathered to share concrete solutions and best practices



EXPERTS, innovators, business leaders, farmers and winegrowers, investors, institutions and NGOs on stage



round table discussions, keynotes, interviews & workshops

Topics covered will include:

  • Regenerative Practices & Measurement
  • Water Management
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate & Carbon
  • Accelerate & Financing The Transition
  • Education
  • Sustainable Food & Gastronomy
  • New Narratives

Four structured tracks will be offered during the event:

  • Track #1: Systemic Challenges: Finance, Policies, and Education
  • Track #2: Soil Health and Measurement
  • Track #3: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Regenerative Agriculture
  • Track #4: Society, Art, and Culture