Created in 2021, the Women for Change initiative is a platform providing visibility and opportunities for changemakers throughout the world. Millions of women are leading the change but lack the necessary recognition within the global impact ecosystem. Our ambition is to position them at the forefront of this emerging movement, solidifying their leadership and amplifying their impact.
Creating a conversation with key business, institutional, and civil society leaders on the tools and strategies to highlight the role of women in this transition and engage everyone in building a more equitable world.
Featuring 25 portraits of women who are going to have a significant positive impact on their community/country or the world over the next 10 years.
2025 will be the year to celebrate the form of leadership championed by women, as it is more crucial than ever to demonstrate how it leads us toward long-term change, how it fosters the creation of a fairer society, and paves the way for a more sustainable world.
The 25 portraits from the campaign will be unveiled at the Summit, through a unique exhibition at the heart of the Grand Palais, and will be celebrated during the Women for Change momentum, featuring the conference and networking session on Thursday, April 24th.
And in this context, it is known that women have even less access to this visibility, recognition and business opportunities for several reasons, be it lack of sponsorship, biased funding processes or others.ChangeNOW has become, in four years, a real accelerator of solutions but also a legitimate platform for visibility on social and environmental issues.
So we wanted to do something, at our scale.
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ChangeNOW is a social enterprise that accelerates the environmental and social transition.
ChangeNOW communities is a non-profit association governed by the French law of 1901. Its aim is to facilitate and organize educational, artistic, cinematographic or scientific projects of general interest that promote the protection of the natural environment.
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