ChangeNOW Commitments for


Respect for the environment, waste reduction and social inclusion are cornerstones of the Changenow organisation.
We are constantly testing new solutions and making the summit a laboratory for experimenting with responsible events.

a pioneering event in eco-responsibility

Since 2020, we have been measuring the carbon footprint of the event while implementing an annual strategy to avoid and reduce emissions in all areas.
Thanks to these efforts the ChangeNOW Summit is the first major event reaching the level 2 of the REEVE label.

75 commitments have been audited and validated in 2022.

Circular economy

2x less waste than in 2022

5 tons of CO2 avoided
Thanks to 97.3% re-used


Zero plastic bottles, no goodies, no kakemonos, no plastic badges, no carpeting on the stands.


Food deposit solution, stages combine scenographic quality and minimal carbon footprint, badges made from plant-based paper using no tree.


Second life found for scenography materials for future editions or through partnerhip with other events.


Innovative sorting system, composting of food waste, recycling of cigarette butts, 100% compostable coffee cup.

Responsible food ​

2 tons of CO2 avoided by opting for a 75% vege menu

Lowering the carbon footprint of food and working on inclusion

  • All the selected caterers are committed to serving at least 75% of vegetarian food
  • We measure and minimize the carbon weight of each recipe: local, seasonal, low-carbon products
  • We work with students from underprivileged area to promote their access to the restaurant industry
  • We work with students from Seine Saint Denis to promote their access to the restaurant industry



All sessions broadcasted on the digital platform are accessible with subtitles in several languages. An instant subtitle translation system is available on smartphones.


We offer solidarity passes to facilitate access to those that are disadvantaged. We collaborate with restaurateurs who work for the integration of refugees or disadvantaged people.


Workshops and awareness-raising activities are offered throughout the day on wednesday for children.


85% of our carbon footprint is linked to transport.

This is the largest source of emissions at the summit, here are the measures put in place to reduce it:

A central location in Paris

The Grand Palais Ephémère - easily accessible by public transport


We establish partnerships with various pan-european rail companies to promote low-carbon transport from abroad.

Soft mobility

We facilitate soft mobility with the addition of bicycle parking or carpooling solutions.

Digital participation

of some international speakers in order to limit the carbon footprint of their travel

Carbon contribution

100% of the carbon footprint will have given rise to a carbon contribution by 2023.

ChangeNOW is conscious that there still are unavoidable emissions generated by the organisation of wide and international event, we therefore set up climate contribution actions in partnership with ClimateSeed and we also propose to participants when purchasing their ticket to contribute to this project.

In partnership with

to go further

Sustainable events

Replay ChangeNOW 2022

How can we create an event that is in line with the values of our time?

With : Rose-May Lucotte, ChangeNOW // Dominique Béhar, Réseau éco événement – REEVE Sebastien Nunes, Climate Seed // Séverine Larrouy, JASH Partenaire // Stéphan Martinez, Moulinot

Pioneering sustainable events

Blog post

ChangeNOW is recognized worldwide for its pioneering work in the field of sustainable events.

Sustainability Report

ChangeNow Summit 2023

Our main sustainable commitments in 2023