Saturday, April 26
Take action and put the ecological and social transition at the heart of your career.
24-26 April
Explore a village of sustainable solutions for our oceans, seas, and rivers.
Experience life at +50°C with Climate Sense in their climate truck. This experience lets you to feel extreme temperatures and pushes you to take action to prevent this scenario.Experience powered by Nexans
By the way, did you know you can come with your family ?
Many activities are designed for kids and young adults. You can bring them to hands-on and educational workshops while you attend the conference or meet-up of your choice. You can also enjoy an artistic experience together and even try your hand at rock climbing!
The Impact Job Fair by ChangeNOW brings together companies committed to building a more sustainable world and connects them with talents looking to develop an impact-driven career.
Over 150 recruiters will be present, hiring people with all levels of experience. There will also be training organizations to help you train for the future!
Take part in reverse pitch sessions and let companies present their job offers to you.
Participate in a LinkedIn workshop and get coached by experts to enhance your profile!
Take part in several conferences about the purpose of work.
3 days of conferences and meetings
Chocolate tasting from Grain de Sail, transported by sail.
Visit the UNDER THE POLE caravan for an immersion in deep water. Educational kits for all ages, film screenings…
Take part in a life-sized mural and come paint on a boat sail! It will accompany a swimmer on his Atlantic crossing.
Learn how to hoist a boat’s sails and become a sailor for the duration of a workshop!
30% OFF€413
30% OFFTax Excl.
30% OFFTax Excl.
30% OFF* Startups created during or after 2017 and generating less than €10 million of annual revenue.
Tax Excl.
30% OFFTax Incl.
Our Solidarity Pass offers are available upon request and conditions for individuals in need.
Bring your collaborators and communities together at ChangeNOW summit while benefiting from a special discount.
30% OFFWith our family pass, enjoy a special discount for 2 adults and 2 children aged 7 and over to discover the summit on Saturday.
ChangeNOW is a social enterprise that accelerates the environmental and social transition.
ChangeNOW communities is a non-profit association governed by the French law of 1901. Its aim is to facilitate and organize educational, artistic, cinematographic or scientific projects of general interest that promote the protection of the natural environment.
N°RNA : W942010521