Curated networking session specially designed to break the ice!
Experience quick 10-minute speed meetings at ChangeNOW, where attendees connect randomly and engage in guided discussions.
Slot duration: 10 minutes, 3 random encounters
Register on the ChangeNOW app
Download the summit app, and get access to thousands of participants ready to meet you!
Take part in networking events open to all, in the community hub, the friends area, or the networking area.
Meeting times are available directly in the official program.
The Impact Lounge is the ideal place for you to meet other executives and initiate high value-added synergies.
Connect with other investors attending the summit in the Investors Lounge, and share your respective experiences.
Make spontaneous encounters throughout the day. Whether at the stands, the food court, the business center or the café areas, let yourself be surprised by the vibrant atmosphere that encourages meetings!
ChangeNOW is a social enterprise that accelerates the environmental and social transition.
ChangeNOW communities is a non-profit association governed by the French law of 1901. Its aim is to facilitate and organize educational, artistic, cinematographic or scientific projects of general interest that promote the protection of the natural environment.
N°RNA : W942010521